Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Google Phone is coming, The Google Phone is coming

The recent word is however, that Google does have a handset of their own up their sleeves. Although there’s not much information going around about the handset itself, it does seem like the device is quite real and a few are even hinting that it could be another HTC handset and could be called The Dragon or The Passion. HTC always had a flare for the names. But that’s also a bit premature as it’s not yet confirmed as to who the actual manufacturer of this device will be, though a few are speculating that it is a Korean company that will take up the challenge of building it. That still doesn’t make it any clearer of course. This will be a thoroughly Google branded device with all the goodies the search giant can throw into it, so I’m hoping. Nothing concrete so far so we’ll keep our ears peeled.

Kapil Jagga
PGDM 3rd Sem.

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